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Curated by Skillshare

3 Classes (1 hour 20 minutes)

  • Materials

    Your artistic medium of choice, a phone that can take photos

  • Final Product

    5 - 6 new art pieces

  • Level


Win Back Your Creative Confidence || part of The Inner Critic Series

In this fun and affirming class, you will separate yourself from your Inner Critic, observe it, and reframe it to help you win back your creative confidence.

Creative Mindfulness: Easy Exercises to Find Magic & Inspiration Everywhere

Next up, you'll complete this class full of hands-on, 30-minute creative mindfulness exercises that will hone your ability to pay attention. Get ready to find creative inspiration in the world around you through each of your five senses.

Develop Your Signature Style: Overcoming Obstacles with a 5-Day Art Challenge

Lastly, you'll complete this 5-day art challenge to get you creating again with low-pressure prompts designed to help you play with your style.

Congratulations! You’re All Done.

You did it! You’ve completed the full Learning Path. We can’t wait to see where these skills take you next.